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Diversity Day 2019

Diversity Day 2019 - at HHU

On May 28th, the HHU actively participated in the nationwide Diversity Day for the third time. Together with the AStA and 15 other institutions of the HHU, the Diversity Coordination Office organized a bazaar of diverse opportunities in front of the University Library. Despite the capricious weather, which made a spontaneous move into the ULB necessary, the bazaar attracted many interested students and employees who came to learn more about diversity in all its facets.

Among the manifold activities on offer were an obstacle course that could be completed in a wheelchair and a wide-ranging diversity quiz. All participants could then look forward to a free coffee as a thank-you. In addition, there was a lot of information and give-aways on the subject of diversity.

"The Diversity Day also marks the start of the new fact-based image campaign in the field of diversity at the HHU, which will again be present throughout the campus with posters, flags, banners and short videos," says Dr. Inge Krümpelbeck, head of the coordination office.

At the end of an all-round successful day, the movie "3 Generations" ("Alle Farben des Lebens" in german) was shown in cooperation with the equal opportunities office of the city of Düsseldorf and the CampusKino. The Vice Principal for Equal Opportunities, Prof. Pfeffer, welcomed the guests, the Principal, Prof. Steinbeck, the Diversity Manager of the City of Düsseldorf, Mrs. Hansjürgen, and the Head of the AStA, Mrs. Immelmann, addressed the guests.

Through its repeated participation in the Diversity Day, the HHU shows that it is actively committed to a cosmopolitan and tolerant campus that sees diversity as an enrichment.

Pictures 2019: Here you can find the pictures of the 7th german Diversity Day 2019.


Video of the Diversity Day 2019 (german)

Diversity-Day 2019 - of the city of Düsseldorf

The city of Düsseldorf also took part in the Diversity Day again.

A somewhat different Diversity Day than originally planned was celebrated by the actors on Tuesday (28 May) in Düsseldorf. The weather put a spoke in the wheel for the party on Schadowplatz and so the party was rescheduled without further ado. The Mahn- und Gedenkstätte became a stage for action, where everyone moved a little closer together and jointly set an example for an open and diverse Düsseldorf.

Under the patronage of Mayor Thomas Geisel and under the theme "We for Diversity", the diversity dimensions were present at six activity and information booths. Since the diversity dimensions often overlap, there was the opportunity to get to know each other and to exchange ideas, so that diversity can be experienced positively.

Participants included the Crime Prevention Council, the League of Welfare Associations, Respect and Courage, the Lebenshilfe, the Memorial, the Municipal Integration Centre, the FFT, the zakk, the DGB Stadtverband and the DGB Jugend, Lobby für Demokratie, the Jugendring, the Jugendrat, PULS, SCHLAU, Kom!ma, Wegweiser, die Trans*Beratung, Regenbogenfamilienberatungsstelle, Pro Mädchen, HVD, Pro Familia, the Evangelische Jugend Düsseldorf, Altern unterm Regenbogen, You´re Welcome Mashalla, Work and Life DGB/VHS NRW, the Jewish Community, Regenbogenschlüssel and many more.

Organized by the Diversity Officer at the Equal Opportunities Office of the City of Düsseldorf. A detailed report can be found undefinedhere.

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