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Date/ YearDiversity Dimension


2009Sex and GenderThe "COMEBACK Program" is established by the Central Equal Opportunities Officer to assist mothers with their career in science.

Family Circumstance and Life Concept

HHU is awarded the certificate "audit family friendly university".

2008Sex and GenderStart of the project "Meine Heine-Frau" (held every two years) to honor female HHU members through the Central Equal Opportunities Officer.
2007Sex and GenderFirst award of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY-predicate" for HHU.

Family Circumstance and Life Concept

The Family Support Centre (FamilienBeratungsBüro) is established.
2006Sex and GenderStart of the "SelmaMeyerMentoring Program" by the Central Equal Opportunities Officer to foster career promotion of women in science.
2005Sex and Gender"HEINE-NETZwerk" of female scientists and women in management positions at HHU is founded by the Central Equal Opportunities Officer.

Physical and Mental Abilities

"Early studies": Acquisition of academic achievements by particularly gifted future university students.
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