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A² Mentoring Programme

A² Mentoring Programme

Target group: Students of Medicine and Dentistry at the HHU

Objective of the programme:
To impart self-competence, social-ethical and communicative competence and experience as well as to optimise the learning and teaching culture at the Faculty of Medicine.

Description of the programme:
The study of medicine and dentistry promotes and demands the development of very different competences, which are the basis for the later medical activity. A² stands for Arzt² ("Doctor²") and describes how experienced doctors accompany and advise prospective doctors during their studies. A seminar and network programme as well as coaching complete the teaching of self-competence, social-ethical and communicative competence.

Capacity: 40-50 students for the winter semester
Duration: Accompanying studies

Organized by: Medical Faculty of the HHU
Contact: Susan Shahabi
Tel.: 0211 81- 03151; E-Mail: a-quadrat@hhu.de
Website: www.medizin.hhu.de/mentoring

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