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Diversity Prize

Since 2019, the Diversity Prize will be awarded annually to members and relatives of the HHU who are particularly committed to the topic of diversity and who breathe life into the principle of the HHU, "Excellence through Diversity".
Representatives of all status groups - students, faculty and staff - can both nominate and be nominated.
The prerequisite is that the nominee agrees with the nomination. Please also note our data protection information.

Guideline for Awarding the Diversity Prize

  1. The prize is intended to honour commitment and achievements in the fields of diversity and equal opportunities.
  2. The prize is awarded to one person each from the ranks of professors/ other executives, academic and non-academic staff and students. As a rule, one person per status group should be honoured in each year.
  3. The prize is awarded to persons who are or have been particularly committed to diversity at the HHU.
    This may include the following factors:
    • Commitment to diversity, equal opportunities and tolerance at the HHU,
    • Initiation and/or implementation of diversity sensitizing projects,
    • Commitment to the HHU's diversity dimensions1,
    • Conception and implementation of diversity-sensitive teaching,
    • Commitment to the active reduction of prejudices as well as physical and psychological barriers.

1Age and Generation, Family Circumstance and Life Concept, Physical and Mental Abilities, Education, Inter-/Nationality and Culture, Worldview and Religion, Sex and Gender , Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

  1. The responsible prorector shall tender the prize jointly with the Diversity Coordination Office and set a deadline for the submission of nominations.
  2. The call for entries is published on the HHU homepage, on the diversity portal (www.diversity.hhu.de), in the social media and on posters.
  1. All members of the HHU can nominate candidates for the Diversity Awards.
  2. Nominations for the awards will be sent to the Diversity Coordination Office using a digital form.
  3. The form collects the following data:
    • Name and contact details of the nominee and the submitter.
    • Function of the candidate in question (students, staff, leaders or professors)
    • Brief justification of the nomination
  1. A selection committee, consisting of the responsible prorector, the head of the Diversity Coordination Office and at least one representative of the professorial staff, the academic and nonacademic staff and the students, decides on the awarding of the prize.
  2. The prorector responsible has the right to propose the composition of the selection committee. All members of the selection committee are entitled to vote.
  3. The award is given to persons who have shown particular commitment in the categories listed under 1.3. The selection committee decides on the selection of candidates for all three groups. Legal recourse is excluded.
  4. The responsible prorector informs the rectorate about the selected candidates from the three status groups.
  1. The Diversity Coordination Office issues a certificate to the prizewinner. The rector of the HHU or, on his or her behalf, the responsible prorector signs and awards the certificate.
Responsible for the content: Section Diversity : Contact by e-mail