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Recommendation for diversity sensitive Education

The „Recommendation for diversity sensitive Education” and the extended digital version are aimed at providing all students with a successful participation in the learning process. They are parts of the overall strategy of the President’s Office for the promotion of diversity conscious perspectives on the institutional levels of education, research and administration of HHU. Therefore, the mindset of lecturers to individually consider and respect personal circumstances of students is a crucial prerequisite. The goal of this recommendation is to give lecturers the tools to further their diversity sensitive perspective. A brief outline of its contents can be found below, a full english translation is in the making.

The Heinrich-Heine University (HHU) understands diversity of its students and employees as an asset. In this way, all members experience respect for their person and appreciation for their achievements. Students are able to develop their intellectual, personal and social potential; employees can apply their abilities, experiences and talents. By thriving in diversity, we leave no chance for unfairness and discrimination!

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