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Date/ MonthDiversity Dimension


JulyDiversityUnder the leadership of the Vice President for Strategic Management and Equal Opportunities, HHU participates in the diversity audit "Shaping Diversity" of the Stifterverband.
AprilInter-/Nationality and CultureThe program "UNI2JOB" - Career in Germany for foreign students is established by the International Office.
MarchAge and GenerationThe first "pART of Research Calendar" is created by HeRA from images of art in research of junior researchers at HHU.
JanuaryInter-/Nationality and CultureA tutor service for international scientists to provide personal advice and support on all questions relating to a stay at HHU prior to arrival, i.e. visa, finding accommodation, support in dealing with authorities, etc., as well as German courses was established by JUNO.
JanuaryAge and GenerationAn interdisciplinary qualification and further education program for postdoctoral researchers was establishment by HeRA.
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