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Age and Generation

This dimension describes the age of each individual person and the associated sociocultural attribution of status and hierarchy and also changing needs and abilities that evolve during the course of the biological ageing process. Apart from a person’s true biological age, this dimension is also concerned with how a person experiences him*herself and how he*she is perceived by others. This also includes the age category in which he*she classifies him*herself and is classified by others. In the context of HHU, this dimension also stands for various “stages of life” or for the “life cycle” at a university, meaning that separate measures and services are offered depending on the target group – from new students to senior professors.

At HHU...

51.4 % of the scientific staff is between 26 and 35 years old.

Winter term 2018 /2019

At HHU...

68.1 % of employees of the technical and administrative staff are older than 40.

December 2018

At HHU...

5.2 % of the students are older than 40.


December 2018

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