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Date/ Month Diversity Dimension Achievement/Milestone
23. September   The Diversity Coordination Office now has its own Instagram account. Twice a week actions and news as well as events related to diversity at the HHU are presented at "@diversity.hhu".
10. September Diversity

The new HHU Volunteer Guideline was published. The new guidelines now make it possible to award an honorary certificate to committed students and employees of the HHU who, in their voluntary work, are dedicated to the benefit of the university and its members and relatives in a special way.

More information.

17.-18. June Diversity The Coordination Office Diversity offered a Diversity Training for interested employees and students of HHU in cooperation with the University Didactics.
04. June Diversity The Regulations of the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf for Protection against Discrimination in Compliance with the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - AGG) comes into force. More information.
20. May Diversity Dispatch of the first Diversity Newsletter. Hereby we will inform you irregularly by e-mail about news in the field of diversity at the HHU. The newsletter archive and the registration link can be found here.
18. May Diversity On 28 May 2019 the 7th nationwide Diversity Day took place and the HHU participated again! More information.
15. May Diversity On May 15, the Diversity Prize of Heinrich Heine University was awarded for the first time in the Diversity Steering Committee. The winners were Katharina Sternke-Hoffmann, Christof Neumann and Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz, who made a special contribution to the HHU as part of the diversity audit "Vielfalt gestalten".
More information.
08. April Education The Diversity-Buddy-Programme "1st Generation @HHU" started.
The Diversity Coordination Office will launch a new buddy programme at HHU starting during the summer semester 2019 . This programme is intended support first and second semester students who are the first in their families to take up university studies. It is intended that first and second semester students will be supported by their more senior peers.
More Information.
05. March Diversity

At the 5th Diversity Forum on 20 February in Berlin, Professor Klaus Pfeffer, Prorector for Strategic Management and Equal Opportunities, received the "Vielfalt gestalten" (Shaping Diversity) audit certificate from the Stifterverband on behalf of the HHU.
(press release)

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