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Date/ MonthDiversity DimensionAchivement/Meilestone
NovemberEducationCooperation with Arbeiterkind.de is established by the Student Service to advise prospective students who would like to be the first in their family to study at a University.

Launch of iQu (integrated quality offensive in teaching and studies) in counselling of school and university students by the Student Service Center, taking into account diversity aspects, e.g. prospective students and students with a migration background, first generation students, with disabilities or chronic illness, with children or relatives in need of care, highly gifted people, international (also refugee) students, guest students, top athletes, peer-to-peer counselling within the framework of "schnuppern@uni" and "studi@schule".

Family Circumstance and Life Concept

Successful re-application of the certificate "audit family friendly university".

Physical and Mental Abilities

Public Private Partnership: internships for students with disabilities at the international cosmetics company L'Oréal in Düsseldorf are established by the Commissioner for students with disabilities and chronic diseases.

Responsible for the content: Section Diversity : Contact by e-mail