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Botanical gardens

Botanical Gardens

Target group: In addition to students of biology and other faculties, interested and ambitious private individuals are also welcome.

Support in cultural technical measures, such as irrigation or weed removal, etc.

Brief description:
The volunteers are guided by the gardeners and thus learn the practical gardening work. For example, they learn how to successfully plant a tree in a friendly atmosphere or what to bear in mind when creating a "functioning" rock garden.

Occupancy: 10 persons
Duration: April to October

Nature, tasks, goals: Supporting institution for research and teaching at the HHU; species protection; public garden
Contact person: Heinz Diehl (Technical Manager)
Contact: Botanical Garden of the HHU, Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 29.01; 40225 Düsseldorf // Tel.: 0211-8113237; Heinz.Diehl@hhu.de
Web presence: www.botanischergarten.hhu.de

Responsible for the content: Section Diversity : Contact by e-mail