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ESN mentoring programme

Mentoring at the Erasmus Student Network

Target group: Students who want to work with and support international students

Objective of the program:
Contribution to the internationalization of the HHU

Description of the program:
You ease your mentee's start in Düsseldorf. One of your tasks is to pick up your mentee at the airport / train station. You will help with organisational matters at the university or at government offices - otherwise it is simply a matter of being a contact person in Düsseldorf.
As a mentor you are always welcome to attend ESN events with your mentees.
At the end of the semester, you will receive a certificate for your commitment or you can have your work credited for the intercultural competence certificate.

Utilization: fluctuating
Duration: long-term/ permanent

Organized by: Erasmus Student Network Düsseldorf
Contact: Board of the Erasmus Student Network Düsseldorf;
vorstand.duesseldorf@esn-germany.de; Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, c/o International Office, Building 21.02, 40204 Düsseldorf
Website: duesseldorf.esn-germany.de

Responsible for the content: Section Diversity : Contact by e-mail