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Family Circumstance and Life Concept

This dimension is concerned with each individual’s family context and different life plans that change over the course of his*her life and might influence his*her studies and everyday working life. This includes, for example, a person’s family status and/or role as parent and/or career. It is not concerned with an individual’s family and social background and in which circumstances he*she grew up (see also “Education”).

Reconciling family and studies or career is very important to HHU as a family-friendly university. This is actively fostered through its ongoing participation in the “Family-friendly University Audit” and through the Family Support Centre.

At HHU...

about 2,000 students have at least one child.



Wintersemester 2018 /2019

At HHU...

154 children attend one of three daycares of the Studierendenwerk (Organisation for Student Services).


At HHU...

the Family Support Center exists for thirteen years now (2006).


Wintersemester 2018 /2019

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