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December 2020

The Christmas tree

The Christmas tree as a decorated fir tree has only been around since about 1700, but its roots go back a long way in history. Fir green served to ward off all mischief, and decorated "winter may" at the same time expressed the hope of fertility. As a Christmas tree, the fir tree moved into the aristocratic courts and cities, for the peasant family, it became the center of the domestic christmas celebrations.
Christmas developed into a celebration especially of children. The old custom of New Year's gifts gained importance under the Christmas tree. Old symbols were reinterpreted by the Christian church. More and more, the ornamented Christmas tree developed into the purely decorative center of the family Christmas celebration.
As early as the end of the 16th century, it was customary in Alsace to set up a tree in the living room for Christmas and to hang apples and sweets on it. These Christmas trees did not receive their first candles until around 1730. With this post we say goodbye as we go into our winter break. On January 7, we will be back for you on Instagram.

5 Years Diversity Coordination Office

Are you still searching for reading material for the holidays? Our new brochure "Five Years Diversity Coordination Office" is still hot off the press. It provides information on the most important projects of the Coordination Office since its implementation in 2015 on the initiative of the former Vice Rector Pfeffer and serves also as a conclusion, as the cross-cutting issue of diversity will soon be located in the newly founded Heine Center for Sustainable Development - Diversity, Environment and Health.

Click here to download the brochure for free (PDF, german).

Checklist for the Organisation of Accessible Events

PowerPoint, PDF, WebEx and beyond; how does participation with disabilities work at an events? No idea? Then take a look at our new Checklist for the Organisation of Accessible Events.

A guide provided by the Diversity Coordination Office on how to plan and carry out barrier-free events - in class and at functions.
If you have any questions regarding accessibility, please contact the Advice Center of the Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses in advance.

PDF-Download (english)


World AIDS Day

Every year on December 1, the World AIDS Day has taken place since 1988. It affirms the rights of HIV-positive people worldwide and aims to promote solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS and to counteract discrimination. It commemorates the people who have died as a result of the infection. And it calls for access to prevention and care for everyone worldwide. In 2020, the World AIDS Day will be held under the slogan "Global solidarity, shared responsibility". It aims to remind those responsible in politics, business, the media and other areas that they can and must make a contribution. Around 88,000 people in Germany live with HIV. Around 10,600 people in Germany know nothing about their infection and therefore receive no treatment. As a result, around 1,000 people a year still contract AIDS or a serious immune deficiency - although it could be avoided. About 30,000 people in Germany have died from the consequences of AIDS so far.

More information at www.welt-aids-tag.de

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